Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Catching Up

Well here goes again, trying to catch you all up on our lives here in Toronto. I have been very bad with writing lately and really need to get back into this because it is very therapeutic for me and for our lives.
So here goes on what has been going on with us for the last couple months here in Toronto. We went back to Cuba at the end of March and had another holiday, get away and escape from reality, we met our friends Michel and Richard down there again and had a great time, so much fun. We went back to Havana and got to see our favorite staff and also met some new people from here in Toronto. It was just the stress relieve I needed and also Matt needed as we have had stresses in our lives which I am going to keep private for now.
The house is done and looking great and since we got back we have regarded the entire back yard, sectioned off the garden and created a new paver patio off our back deck. We have also dead headed all the plants from last winter which was just too long and had not too much for warm weather here as of yet., the flower beds have all been weeded, raked and cleaned for spring.
Also in the last couple months we got new living room furniture in a really nice white color, given to us from a friend. Much appreciated and it looks great. Also got a new antique dining room table which is gorgeous and I just have to do a bit of refinishing work on it. Next big thing that we have to do is put up our fence and create some privacy for us and that way we can sit in the back yard without having to be disturbed if we please. A bit of private time is always nice when you live in a city where houses are so close to each other.
Started many seeds already such as Tomato and certain flowers and herbs so we will have a few things to enjoy by early summer. I am so excited for gardening season to be among us again. I love getting it done and working out there as I find it so relaxing and fabulous and very rewarding.
Been very stressed about my parents and them being so far out of town and with the long winter and harsh weather Alberta had this year , it is even more troublesome to me and I am sure to them as well.
With Dad having to go into town three days a week for dialysis and Mom having to try and drive him, it is stressful as I worry about them a lot and am not there to help them as much as I would like to be. It is always hard when your parents get older and they need you more. We are going through this with both Matt and my parents at this time.
Last weekend we went to a funeral for a friends brother, I know what it is like to lose a brother who you loved so much and was happy that we could be there to support her as many of my friends were there when we lost Bradley, can't believe it has been almost two years. Still miss him every day of my life.
I knew getting older was never going to be easy and I knew that I would experience loss in my life but was not and am not prepared fro any more at this time or in the near future. I really hate death and am thankful for a supportive husband and great friends, and a loving Mom and Dad. Too bad about the rest of my family and how big of losers they all are, yes I am talking siblings ad inlaws and nephews and nieces. No worries I have a better family now and it is people who have chosen to have me in their lives as well as me having them in ours. You know who you are.
So in closing I will really try and get on here more and do my due diligence in keeping this up, not just for you but for me as well. Take care and may spring bring joy and happiness to all my friends.