Sunday, March 26, 2017

My letter to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau

RE: Bill C-23 Border Detroit/Windsor Border Crossing Michael Potter 3588 King Street Windsor ON. N9C 1P3 226-246-2410 March 26, 2017 Dear Mr. Prime Minister Right Honourable Justin Trudeau I am writing in regards to my experience on March 24, 2017 at 11:20am at the Tunnel Crossing to Detroit Michigan USA from Windsor, Ontario Canada. I was going across to Detroit as my husband and I sometimes do, usually separate to go shopping and go out to a gay bar or two as we don’t get to do this in Windsor. The reason we go separately is we have pets at home and no pet sitter. On Friday March 24, I went in my usual manner to cross the border and stopped at duty free as I always do on my way down when I intend to spend more than 48 hours in the USA. This time however I was pulled into secondary when I mentioned that I had purchased a box of 25 cuban cigars for my husband, which I know I am allowed, I am always very careful of what I buy and claim everything. I also got a text from my husband Matthew Allsopp and they asked who was texting me. I said my husband. This is why I believe I got pulled into secondary and what followed for the next two plus hours horrified me and made me feel so small and less of a human as all my rights were suddenly torn out from under my feet, for the mere fact that I am gay and nothing else. When I got there I was asked to shut off my vehicle and leave the keys on the dash and all electronics in my vehicle. I did so and proceeded inside where I was told to sign in and wait to be called up to the counter. I was eventually called up to the counter and met with attitude and anger from and CBP Officer. He was demeaning and belittling to me from the word go. I was then told to sit down after he took my passport and wallet from me. This went on for about 45 minutes , being called up periodically to answer a question about who Matt was, why did I have a Detroit contact in my phone and where is Olds? I answered everyone of their questions and was then told to sit down again , at around 12:30 I was asked to come into the back room with two officers and I thought ok, they are going to give me my documents and send me on my way, I was wrong! What happened to me next is something I had only seen on television! I was taken into a cell with two officers, asked to remove my belt, my jacket, and shoes, undo my pants , pull my front pockets out completely and stand against a wall with my legs spread and my hand above my head flat against the wall. While one officer frisked and touched every part of my body and the other went through all my pockets and shoes and belt, while being constantly reminded not to move or let my hands move away from the wall. Then I was escorted back out to the main room while the officers outside which I was unaware of were going through my entire vehicle, including my suitcase which was dumped on my back seat, my man bag which was emptied onto my front seat, my glove box and my center console including my pack of cigarettes and ashtray. I had to sit there for another hour being called up occasionally to be asked another series of questions , like who are you meeting and who is Matt and why do you have a contact in your phone from Detroit, what is this website and why are you on it? Shortly after 2 they called me up again after all that I had been through and took me again into the back room, not a cell this time but still intimidating and with three officers now asking me questions, then they told me to go and sit out front again, shortly thereafter they called me up and said they were withdrawing my application to enter the USA. I told the guard that I felt I had been profiled for being gay and he said to me well if you would like to wait another hour you can bring up your concerns with a supervisor. I kindly said no thank you. I was then escorted out of the building and to my vehicle which was a complete and dishevelled mess at this point as the officers did not put anything back or close the front hood, console or glove box when they were done. The officer then walked beside my vehicle to the crossing to make sure I left back through the tunnel to Canada. This whole experience was just demeaning and horrible and then I come home , my nerves shot and I am reading about your bill C23 Borders which would allow US CBP Officers to single minorities such as myself out again and on Canadian Soil. This is wrong and I would like to meet with you or a representative of yours to not only discuss my mistreatment at the border but this proposed bill that is in front of us all. I have read this bill and my husband Matthew Allsopp and I have also both watched all the media reports we can find on BILL C23 Border and also seen your interview and opinion on this, which we happen to strongly disagree with in every way. I do not feel safe with The United States CPB having the same powers on Canadian Soil as they do on United States Soil. I will start a petition and bring this to Ottawa as well if need be. Please reconsider your stance on this Bill. My husband Matthew Allsopp has also sent an email regarding this bill to our Local MP who has not responded in over two weeks. I will be sending a copy of this letter to CTV Toronto, CBC Windsor and Toronto and also OUT TV so they know what can happen to a gay man trying to enter the United States of America and that you are willing to allow this to happen on Canadian Soil to a Canadian. To have our rights torn out from under us, you will only truly know how it feels when it happens to you.7 To be clear I have always been a lawbiding citizen and never touched so much as a marijuana cigarette in my life, I drive under the speed limit and always obey the law 110%. In closing I have voted Liberal since I was 18, I vote in every election and I think you are a great leader for our country and exactly what we need. I am a 46 year old gay male who is happily married and love my country and have always thought very highly and protected here until this happened to me and these USA CPB officers went through my phone, my tablet, my car and quite honestly personally violated my body and any rights I had were then taken away. Please Your Right Honourable Justin Trudeau/ Mr. Prime Minister reconsider this bill, you are only going to take away more rights of people all across Canada and on our own soil! This is not right and not a Canadian thing to even consider. I will drive up to Ottawa this week to meet with you or a representative if you agree to it. Please let me know so I can book my hotel and arrange this. I look forward to speaking with you more Thank you so Much. Michael Potter

The United States Border Guards

So here is a total account of what happened to me on Friday morning till early afternoon as I tried to go to Detroit Michigan to go shopping and hit the gay bars in the evening for a little fun.
I left the house here in Windsor around 11am, and went to the duty free shop, bought some vodka and a box of 25 Cuban cigars for my husband.
Matt and I had been texting back and forth and he made a joke in one text how he could see the jeep at duty free, that text will come back to haunt me later.
I got through the tunnel rather quick and the line up was short at the border, in fact only three cars in front of me, when I got to the crossing, this woman was working and quite a tiny pretty little thing, or at least I thought so, didn't realize she was a power tripping bitch with a vendetta.
She asked if I was bringing anything and as she did this my phone went off and I went to shut it off but it played over the radio and she heard Matt. She then said who is that, I said my husband and she then asked if I was bringing anything across today so I told her what I bought at duty free, a bottle of vodka and a box of cigars for my husband.
She then stickered my car and told me I had to go to secondary supposedly because the cigars were Cuban. Weird!
I pulled up to secondary and the guard asked why I was there, I told him, because I bought a box of cigars at duty free, he looked at me and said that's weird you're allowed 50 cigars. I thought it to be strange as well.
So it is now about 11:30 am and I was told shut off my car, leave all electronics inside and leave the keys on the dash. I was cooperative and did so and proceeded inside. I signed in and the Border guard called me up within seconds, I thought great, I will pay tax or whatever on the cigars and be on my way.
Immediately he yelled at me as I explained to him and said I bought cigars for my husband to take back home with me and I thought I was allowed to do so, he said that they had to check because they are Cuban cigars and this is all new to him and I may have to pay tax because they were purchased at duty free. He was very demeaning and rude.
He would call me up and ask a question and then tell me to go and sit in my chair, then call me up again and ask more questions and then tell me to go back to my chair, this went on for over an hour.
Then he and another guard asked me to follow them, I thought okay, this is all done, boy was I wrong.
They took me into the back area and put me in a cell , had me take off my jacket, my shoes and belt, undo my jeans and open them up , lift my tshirt and stand against a wall with my hands against it and my legs spread, telling me to make sure I do not move at all. While one of them frisked me , looking for god knows what the other went through every pocket, and my wallet, pulling everything out and inside out.
They frisked and grabbed every inch of my body, took note of my tattoos and touched every part of me from in between my toes to my crotch, ass and armpits. It was so invasive and degrading in every way. When they were done they told me to get dressed. They escorted me back out to the front area where I was told to sit in my chair again.
As I was going through all  this inside ,I was totally unaware of what they were doing outside in my jeep, they went through the glove box, the center console, dumped my manbag  and empitied it onto the front seat, went through my cellphone and tablet and invaded my privacy completely. Dumped my overnight bag onto the bag seat, went through my pill bottles, my cigarette package, even my ashtray.
I was inside and didn't even know this was happening. I guess Matt had texted me a couple more times while this went on, well then the questions started about who is Matt and who is this person and who is that and are you meeting anyone , what is your real point to visit the USA.
I was confused and nervous now and didn't know what to say anymore at this point, I answered truthfully and told them Matt is my husband and yes I have friends in Detroit who I have talked to and text to see about the gay bars and which was going to be the best suited for me to go to. I never knew any of this was a crime.
Here I am being drilled for information and I had nothing to give. They told me to go and sit down  again, so |I complied and did so, ten minutes later I am now following three guards to the back area again and am confused, all three of them asking the same question in a private area which I had just answered out front.
I told the guard that I think I am being profiled because I am gay, he said I can assure you this is not the case. After I said this they took me back out front again and told me to sit down. They called me back up about 15 minutes later and said they were withdrawing my application to enter the USA.
Then they fingerprinted me, took my picture and a copy of my licence and passport which I hadny seen in the two hours I was there.
I said fine, and the officer walked out and said he would release my id and wallet to me once I was turned around. I had to go out to my jeep, threw my clothes back in the suitcase quickly, put everything back in my man bag and close the hood and back door up on the jeep. Followed the border officer and when I got to the toll gate he put and white paper under my windshield wiper and gave me back my wallet and passport and said that now I can leave.
It was so  humiliating as I driving back through the tunnel to Canada I was crying, I got to the Canadian side and the guard was so nice, he could not understand why I was pulled in, asked me to go to secondary quickly and give them the piece of paper off my window, I never even got to see what this said.
They let me go and the Canadian  Border Patrol said they were so sorry for what happened to me .
Let me just say this in Closing, in the over 2 hours I was in the USA secondary, not once did I see anyone who wasn't black or brown with the exception of my self and 6 Asian people. It was so demeaning to see this and feel like a target just because of my sexual preference.
These guards intimidated me, invaded my life and my privacy , all for nothing.
The UNITED STATES sucks and is a horrible place with a dictator in charge. Matthew and I travel quite a bit and I have never been treated so badly as I was by the USA.
The Republican Party is nothing more than a dictatorship trying to hide in a so called democracy. I do not feel what happened to me was fair in anyway and if you are going to go through someones personal belonging, clothes and vehicle , they should be able to be present and see what the hell you are doing.
Well I know this is longwinded but that's the whole story.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Make America white and straight again, Trump Land

Well if you think Trump is great or doing great things for the United States,  then you must be white and straight or just out right fucking stupid! His laws are ridiculous, his rule is a joke and anyone who supports this man in anyway is not a friend of mine, this is not a political difference in the least. He is a dictator,  an ass of the highest proportion and just an out right dick head.
If you voted for him or support him as a ruler, yes I said ruler, not president , as he is not presidential in the least.  Then please do not consider me a friend. I stand for minorities and for the lesser man who he has now discriminated against. He started with the Muslims,  he is now moving on to the blacks and the gays , and Mexicans.
As for our Prime Minister, Justin is a wonderful man, but grow some balls and stand up to this ass hole,  we are our own country not another state and we need a PM who will act as though this is so.
I have voted liberal my whole life since I was 18 and have always done so with pride as I new they would protect my tights as a person, as a minority and as gay. But if he does not take a stand as to what is happening across the border then we have lost.
Our borders are not safe and people are being treated unfairly when crossing into the states. Our rights are stripped and now that ass Trump wants to put a border tax on all things coming into United States from canada or anywhere else.
We need to do the same to them, as for me I have deactivated my Facebook,  as it is United States owned, not watching my favorite shows anymore as they are all American and have not turned on the TV in 24 hours. I will not sell out so those asses can make money off of me.
Anything I where had better say made in Italy, Taiwan,  China,  Japan,  hell anything but made in America.  At least then I will know it was actually made properly and will be great.
As for travelling to the states or through them for even a stop over, this will not happen for me as long as there is any sort of Republican power in government. United States citizens need to wake the hell up and take a look at what their supreme leaders are doing your their country, their rights,  because soon, you want have any.
And we in canada need to take a stand and not go there, not give that hell hole our money, we need to support our own country and our own businesses and if you want a nice beach vacation go anywhere but the USA.
Cuba, Dominican Republic,  Barbados,  anywhere has nicer beaches and nicer people too. It will probably cost you less as well.
We also need our government to take the same stand at our borders against United States citizens as they do against us. Tit for tat. An eye for an eye.
Let's make Canada greater and tax the shit out of United States citizens.  Let's do you them what they do you us. Let's degrade them and make them feel as though they are less of people!
In fact we should not let them cross our border at all, especially the wealthy and middle class straight white people.
Those gun toting back woods inbred ignorant Trump supporters. In fact , maybe that should be a question if you want to come visit Canada,  who did you vote for, or who is the CanadianPrime minister!
At least know something about us, your shit country news is shoved down our throats daily.
That's my rant for now. Look for more later.